Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sex Sick

I'm so tired of listening to these guys around the AA hall talk about these women that they're interested in like they are just sex objects and pieces of meat. What has happened to this program? This program was founded on Christian principals and moral conviction and the meetings these days are becoming a place to just dump your toxins out through your mouth and spread the disease and problems around.

Clean up your acts, you losers! (I know that's not too spiritual, but I'm sick of it!!!!)

Do a sexual inventory with a sponsor who KNOWS about having a relationship with a woman and has some experience with this stuff. You guys sound like you may as well be at a bar room or a dope house with that kind of talk and attitude, not a church basement!

1 comment:

davidmig said...

I personally don't share Christopher's experience. I go to 10 meetings a week, and haven't see this sort of behavior. Ever.