Friday, September 26, 2008

Homeless in Seattle

Many people are homeless in Seattle and other cities around the US.  It's starting to get towards the end of summer and into the colder seasons.  If every church group out there in out country takes on just one homeless person over 40-years-old to sponsor, and really get involved with their life, such as work with them, give them food, shelter, clothing, but most of all, your time, we may cut down the homeless percentage by half if not more.  Ofcourse there needs to be some criteria on helping them, so make a very disciplined plan, and have them work with someone in the fellowship all the time.  These people are sufferers of lonliness and depression and need the human interaction as much as the material help, if not more.

Too many agencies in our country try to help masses and masses of people, when they wind up giving only very little time to each individual and thus, no one really gets help.

Form a plan for your church to sponsor a homeless person over 40 now, before the hardship of winter comes along.  Who knows, maybe once the prospect is on their feel better, they'll help you take care of the next homeless sponsee that you bring aboard!

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